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Star Wars Battlefront: Base Command: 10 Tips and Tricks

To help you gain more Stars and Credits, here are 10 tips and tricks from game designer Tommy Rydling.

Base Command
The reception of the Companion App and the companion game Base Command has been fantastic. To help you gain more Stars and Credits, here are 10 tips and tricks from game designer Tommy Rydling.


All Star Cards are good in their own way – but Base Command is about making the most out of any round, so make sure to work to better your hand in every turn. Just remember: You have to spend your available Discard Points before you play any cards in a turn.

Base Cannon

You have a Base Cannon. Use it. It will always deal Critical Hits, ignoring enemy Agility, so it is extremely useful in softening up targets or taking out damaged targets. For each turn that you do not use it, it grows in power from 1 to 3 to 5 in Firepower, and reverts to 0 when fired.
Try playing these Star Cards to make your Base Cannon even stronger:
Soldier Turret (tops it up to full power, effectively letting you fire it twice in the same turn)
Vehicle Turret (gives it x2 damage on the next shot)


A good overarching strategy in Base Command is to burn through your decks as quickly as possible – simply because that means you will get the best cards multiple times in a Siege. Make sure to play as many card as possible each turn. Especially the Star Cards (on your left hand side), since you will not draw new ones if your slots are occupied.
Your Star Card deck has 24 cards, and your Unit Card deck has 16 cards. Once the decks are empty, the discard piles will be reshuffled to form new draw piles. You can see the number of remaining cards in your decks when new cards are drawn at the start of a game turn.


Keeping a high score multiplier is essential to reach those elusive three stars in the harder Sieges. Here is how the score multiplier works: defeat 4 enemy units and the multiplier will go up (to maximum 3). Get one of your own units defeated in combat, and your score multiplier goes down a notch, and you lose any progress towards the next multiplier.
If there is one easy and one tough target on the board, make sure to attack the easy one first to keep your multiplier high for as long as possible. Consider taking out dangerous enemy units with your Base Cannon or damage dealing Star Cards instead of risking your Unit Cards/Score Multiplier.

Rank up

Each time a Unit Card defeats an enemy unit, it ranks up (to maximum 3). Every time it ranks up, it gains +1 Health, +1 Firepower, and +1 Agility.
Not only does this make the Unit Cards better in combat the next time you draw them from your card deck – they are also worth a lot of bonus score at the end of a Siege. You get 50, 150, and 300 bonus score for Rank 1, 2, and 3 units respectively after a Siege is over.
If you have the option of defeating a unit with a Rank 0, a Rank 1, or a Rank 2 Unit Card, the best option to maximize score is to attack with your Rank 2 Unit Card.

Bonus scores

There are quite a few points up for grabs at the end of a Siege. Apart from the Unit Rank-up scores discussed above, you also get:
100 points per Health in your Base (maximum 1,000)
600 extra points if your Base is at 10 Health
100 points per Base Shield up (maximum 400)
600 extra points if all 4 Base Shields are up
The score difference between 3 and 4 Base Shields and 9 and 10 Health at the end of a Siege is 500 points each - which is a lot! If you only have one easy enemy left in the Siege and you are missing a Base Shield, try to hold the enemy off with Suppressive Fire or Flash Grenade while you burn through your Star Card deck to find a Base Shield or Support Droid card to restore your defenses. Both are available in your Starter Deck in two copies each.

Ion Blast

As you get deeper into the campaigns, the Perk combos on enemy units will become more and more vicious. The Ion Blast Starter Card is an amazing tool at removing Perks from enemy units at range 1-2. You have 2 copies of this card in your Starter Deck, so make sure to use it.
Try to bunch up as many tough enemy units as possible in range 1-2 and hit them all at once with Ion Blast. Just make sure that you have the Unit Cards in hand to follow up with proper combat.

Power deck

Base Command is not a balanced game. That may sound strange, but what I mean is that each Star Card in Base Command is either stronger or weaker than the other cards – and since there is no cost tied to playing a card in Base Command, stronger is always better.
As soon as you get new Star Cards in the app or Battlefront, add them to your custom Base Command Deck and throw out something weaker. Excellent places to start are Ion Torpedo (available at Rank 4), Thermal Detonator (available at Rank 2), and Pulse Cannon (available at Rank 5.)


Did you know that playing a Base Shield card on top of an existing one will Supercharge it? A Supercharged Base Shield will not let anything through and will not be knocked down by enemy units moving into it. It even deflects the shots from Boba Fett and withstands the efforts of Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine when trying to take them down. It also stops those pesky Ion Weapons AT-STs in the AT-ST Assault Siege from bypassing your Shield.
Play a Base Shield Card on a Base Shield to Supercharge it to withstand anything for a round. Use the Power-up Squad Shield 20 times in Star Wars Battlefront to get the powerful Squad Shield card in Base Command. It rebuilds all Base Shields and Supercharges them at the same time - a real life saver when your Base is surrounded by enemy units.

Critical hit

With each Attack made in combat, you have a 1/6 chance to deal a Critical Hit (that’s like rolling a 6 on a normal die for each Attack you make in combat). Critical Hits bypass the enemy’s Agility, thus dealing the full amount of the Firepower in damage to the enemy. Since Heroes and Villains are more powerful, the Critical Hit chance against them is only 1/12.
The flashing Health under an enemy unit shows the predicted amount of damage you will do in combat – unless any Critical Hits occur. Even if the prediction is that you will do 0 damage, you can always get lucky and get a Critical Hit on the enemy. Just be aware that if not, your unit is likely to be defeated, with a score multiplier loss as a consequence (see above).
You can get the Star Wars Battlefront Companion app on the Apple App Store™ and Google Play™ store. The Companion is also accessible at StarWarsBattlefront.com.


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